Why did Merissa Hamilton/Mark Beach Motion & Debate in Favor of kicking out a Trump Precinct Committeemen from AZ LD2 GOP meeting for making motions? Trump PC is from red precinct that voted strong for Trump in 2024. A PC can motion mtg anytime til it passes & can suspend bylaws! https://t.co/PsU4CzgWpt
— Christian Lamar (@christianllamar) March 27, 2024
Why did Merissa Hamilton/Mark Beach Motion & Debate in Favor of kicking out a Trump Precinct Committeemen from AZ LD2 GOP meeting for making motions? Trump PC is from red precinct that voted strong for Trump in 2024. A PC can motion mtg anytime til it passes & can suspend bylaws!
2024, AZLeg, Christian Lamar, Election Integrity, Trump